2025 Food Vendor Application

Applications due Friday, May 23, 2025.

If you have any questions, email us at: ifestpeabody@gmail.com.


  1. Exhibits may not sell food items unless they have paid an entrance fee.
  2. All booths must reflect the unique features of the ethnic group which they represent.

  3. Participants are responsible for supplying their own booth equipment, including extension cord(s), trash receptacles, chairs, and tables.
  4. Booths may only sell those items listed on application and approved by the International Festival Committee.
  5. Booth sizes are to 15 x 10 feet.  If more space is needed, it must be requested from the International Festival Committee on your application.
  6. No balloons are allowed at the booths or within the perimeter of the International Festival.
  7. Booths must provide sufficient goods and staffing to meet crowd needs of the Festival.
  8. Booths cannot be broken down until the conclusion of the International Festival. Vehicles will not be allowed in the Festival area until after the Festival has concluded.

Peabody’s Health Department is offering two complimentary food safety training sessions for Festival booth vendors:

Tues, August 12th 9–10 am or Thur, August 21st 5–6 pm

Both sessions to be held in the Lower Level conference room of Peabody City Hall.

Pre-registration with the Health Dept is requested: click here to register.

If you have any questions, contact Randy Suckney at randy.suckney@peabody-ma.gov or (978) 538-5924.

*Application fees will be refunded if application is not accepted or does not follow the Statement of Purpose and Requirements.